Even the Rich & Famous Are Not Immune from Being Unprepared

Shannen Doherty – Her cancer journey started in 2015 & reemerged in 2017. Last year, she gave an update on her health, revealing the cancer spread to her brain and bones. She said she “started going through her belongings to donate or sell antiques and other items she’s collected over the years.” She gave up on Her dream of a horse rescue because of how much it would cost… put her remaining things in a Uhaul & moved back to California to be with Her mother.

Wow just reading the link below says it all – downsize – stricken-selling possessions – what a scary thought yet it does happen.

Going from famous start to losing everything.

Learn More: https://pagesix.com/2024/04/01/entertainment/cancer-stricken-shannen-doherty-preparing-for-death-by-downsizing-letting-go-of-possessions/

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